Choosing the best gifts for twin babies may vary based on various aspects, such as the male and female factor, gift price, or if it is going to be single or falls in the category of best gifts for twin babies. These are often important when attempting to come up with a good option for the expecting mom.
A baby shower gift for a mother who is expecting is a good way to express your love, as everything gets doubled in the twin pregnancy. If you are seeking a present for twins, you may think of a gift basket that is packed with many things that the mom could practice for her babies. In the basket, you may have burp cloths, baby diapers, baby wipes, and cute twin outfits for babies. It is easy to put a lot of good things there, but if you are in a budget store then also you save money by buying what is needed and it's not overpriced.
Many women who are in the twin baby pregnancy often wonder if they are expecting twins. With the increase of multiple births, it is more likely that one in every ninety women has the chance to give birth to newborn twins. If you are confirmed with the newborn baby twins have been confirmed you are likely to have many questions.
A high level of hCG can indicate preeclampsia with twins, hCG levels are what a store-bought pregnancy test is looking for. They say a definite positive result may mean you are expecting multiples. Also, common grumbles of a twin pregnancy are heightened symptoms like morning sickness and fatigue. With that in mind, every woman is different as is every pregnancy and ultimately an ultrasound will give you a conclusive answer. When you gave birth to newborn baby twins you are likely to have much more trouble after the pregnancy.
Twin baby pregnancy can run in the family but only on the mother's side as it's only the women who can produce two eggs at one time. However, the twin gene can be passed down from father to daughter. Having fraternal twins can also happen randomly especially in women over the age of 35. Identical twins on the other hand happen by chance, it's not fully understood why one egg splits resulting in two beautiful babies. However, newborn baby twins are extremely sensitive as compared to other babies.
Will I need to have a C-section?Though the chance of having a cesarean section when pregnant with twins increases due to complications or baby position like feet first, many other mothers have twin birth through natural means. It's also known that in some cases a mother expecting two has had a planned home birth, this however is not generally recommended as a twin pregnancy is classed as high-risk. Mainly twin pregnancy complications happen because of this problem.
How much weight will I gain?There isn't a straightforward answer for this one, but it is generally suggested that 35 - 45 pounds come with the newborn baby twins is a healthy weight gain during a twin pregnancy. Some will gain more and some a little less it all really depends on your pre-pregnancy weight, body type, and height what is healthy for you specifically.
How will I know if I'm having fraternal or identical twins?Here are some indicators of twin types, fraternal or identical:- Twin to twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS) is a complication only identical twins can suffer from.- Identical twins often share a placenta though sometimes they can have their own. Fraternal twins generally have separate placentas but sometimes can be fused together. On close examination realizing whether they are fraternal or identical can be discovered.- Monoamniotic twins, means they share the same amniotic sac as well as the placenta and are always identical.Searching for an ideal gift for the baby, whatever it is single or twins, is a very tedious task. Parents of twins will require lots of things for their babies equally such as bathing accessories, attires, diapers, carriers, twin baby gift baskets, twin baby clothes, and many more. There are loads of websites having various kinds of baby items to shop for. Moreover, if you pick pairs of twin baby gifts online, the shipping of the orders is completed effortlessly without any delay.
Blankets are always important and practical things for babies. Dealing with twins is not an easy task for moms. She will be required to have blankets in every room. Since blankets are useful in wrapping, keeping babies warm, and offering privacy while nursing, it will be one of the good twin baby gift ideas to buy them for gifting. Furthermore, when the mother will go out in public with her twins, she will need blankets to cover them.
Baby Monitor:
You can give a baby monitor to the mother so that they can track both babies. A baby monitor with two cameras means you can monitor both children's activities at the same time. Moreover, parents can move out of the house doing chores without worrying about anything.Nappies:
Newborn babies will necessarily require nappies. Nappies are never enough as newborn babies wet them frequently. You can purchase them in varying sizes. Often, parents use diapers to save money on everyday expenses. But if they are eco-conscious, they can try reusable nappies along with highly absorbent inserts. The inserts are useful to prevent leakage while babies are sleeping at night. So, if you are planning to gift nappies, make sure you include a wet bag so that diapers or nappies can be stored while going outside.Other than that, you can give a picture book, double stroller, or carrier to babies to ease parents’ burden from extra expenses.
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A mother conceives twins in a different way than a single baby. Twins start forming from the beginning of conception. When either two eggs are released by a woman’s ovary or fertilized by two separate sperm such types of twins are known as non-identical, fraternal, or dizygotic twins. Moreover, if one egg is fertilized by single sperm but gets split into identical halves, they are known as identical, non-fraternal, or monozygotic twins. Women pregnant with twins have similar symptoms in the beginning to the others who are carrying a single baby.
Identical twins share identical genetic structures and characteristics. Also, they belong to the same gender. On the other hand, non-identical twins can look different and be of the opposite gender.How to know if I have twins or not?
Most often, it is never clear in the early weeks of a woman’s pregnancy what type of twins she is carrying. Only an ultrasound can detect the variety of twins, present in the womb of a pregnant woman. Most mothers are unknown about the fact until their twins are born and their placentas and membranes are examined. During a twins baby pregnancy, babies either may share an amniotic sac or each baby will grow in its own separate one. It will depend on the types of baby a mother is having. In the same way, the babies may share a placenta or each have their own. But each baby will own its amniotic cord separately. Rarely, it might be possible to have separate amniotic sacs as well. Non-identical twins also own their separate placentas because they are conceived from two completely separate eggs. Such types of twins are different from identical twins who share a common placenta.However, most women experience the same things as the others but every woman and her twin pregnancy will be different. It is so because Genetics, environment, size, and previous obstetric history all play an important part. You can know all about having a twin pregnancy and how it varies week by week.Twin Pregnancy Week by Week:
The first trimester:
Twin pregnancy first trimester is the first three months of pregnancy. The first trimester is a time when the early symptoms of pregnancy can be so exaggerated in women with twins. A woman is carrying twins or not, it can be determined only by the ultrasound.Symptoms of twins in the first trimester:
The second trimester:
The second trimester remains from week fourteen to week twenty-seven. This period is often the most enjoyable of the three trimesters because during this time nausea, vomiting, and fatigue has been settled and the size of the uterus is reasonably comfortable.The third trimester:
The third trimester pregnancy with twins remains between the time of twenty-eight weeks to forty weeks of pregnancy. At this time, a woman can know whether she is pregnant with one or more babies. There can seem to have a neat little bulge at the front and others appear to carry a pregnancy side by side. The following mentioned information may help to clear all doubts regarding twin baby pregnancy.