What are the Complications and Risks of Twin Pregnancy?
Twins are like god’s extra blessings that will come into your life. A twin pregnancy is one in which there are two fetuses. It’s considered to be high risk because of a twin fetus. It has a higher chance of developing complications. Almost 50% of twins that are born are premature and have low birth weights and underdeveloped organs. This makes them very unsafe and it is not uncommon for only one twin to survive. Twin babies in womb who share a placenta could result in high amounts of amniotic fluids.
Complication during pregnancy is more common than you can think. Even for those who are healthy and have children before. Early pregnancy complications could occur and it’s not your or anyone’s fault.
Here are the following twin pregnancy complications:
When you find you are pregnant, the first thing you should do is see your doctor. They will perform a test of ultrasound to make sure that your pregnancy is going well, and you have no pregnancy complications. Visiting your doctor will prevent your complications and give you the best advice to get rid of them.
Sometimes twins don’t have enough space to grow. This can increase premature organs and undeveloped organs. Some situations lead to the birth of babies in early situations. This can increase medical complications for the baby and may even for a long time your baby may need to consult.
Some complications during pregnancy can lead to twins miscarriage. This problem is another early pregnancy complication you can face. Sometimes the vagina opens and causes heavy bleeding with intense cramping pains. Also sometimes the baby can die in the womb. Whit this case, a mother can either wait for a miscarriage. There are many different complications during pregnancy that can cause this to happen like blood clotting, infection.
This situation can cause your blood pressure level to become high during pregnancy and this can develop during pregnancy can cause your baby to be larger than normal in size. The risk of any injury during vaginal birth is greater to you as well as twins.
Identical twins that share a placenta may have TTTS, which causes one twin to have excess blood flow and the other to lack it. This case occurs in about 10 percent of twin pregnancies.
This condition can occur in twin pregnancies and happens when one or both babies is not developing at the rate they should. This slow or delayed growth can lead to a variety of health complications for one or both babies that may need consideration from a doctor for a long time.
Preeclampsia with twins can increase the risk. This is a combination of high blood pressure during the pregnancy, general swelling in the body, and an extended level of protein in the urine.
All of these complications can create serious care for both the mother and the baby. It is significant to keep this information concerning early twin pregnancy complications in mind during pregnancy and to frequently consult your doctor.
Article source:- https://giftsfortwins.blogspot.com/2021/01/what-are-complications-and-risks-of.html
What should you do to examine twins in your womb?
When you are having noticeable pregnancy symptoms at an earlier stage like dizziness, vomiting, it might be possible that you are having twins inside you. The chance to get pregnant with twins increases if you are having any specific fertility drugs or you have any fertility treatment. After being sure that you are pregnant with twins you should monitor your body carefully like what kind of changes your body is going through and also monitor your fetal development weekly or monthly.
Care during twin pregnancy week by week :
If you are pregnant with twins, you will need extra care and more attention. The best way to find out that you are having twins to have an ultrasound scan. The most suitable time for ultrasound scan is at 10-12 weeks of pregnancy. You should consult your doctor first before going for an ultrasound scan. Professionals will tell you about the information related to your fetus development,number of placentas and amniotic sacs. Also they can tell you whether you are having identical twins or fraternal twins. And they can suggest the correct care guidelines after watching the report of the ultrasound scan. During twin pregnancy,
you will have to take more tests so that you can take care of yourself. In this case you have to be more accurate about the information and that is possible only when you are having ultrasound scan at the right time. If a woman is having twins with separate placentas, she is generally recommended more ultrasound like at 12-13 weeks, 20 weeks and then every four weeks until her babies are born. It is possible that she might have more frequent ultrasounds than this. You should take antenatal(before pregnancy) appointments to get information about pregnancy, labour and delivery, and early parenting also.
Symptoms in twin pregnancy first trimester:
The following symptoms may be seen in a woman’s body in first trimester of her pregnancy:
In second trimester Twins:
When a lady reaches the second trimester she has no longer embryos now. She is having a developing baby inside as it is the thirteenth week of pregnancy. With the beginning of the second trimester your baby's size will be around 10 cm long and its weight will be around 20 and 25 grammes.
third trimester pregnancy with twins:
With the third trimester your baby's organs will start working except its lungs which function after the birth. Twins are born earlier. If your babies are born in the third trimester you should not worry about it because there is a very good chance of their survival. Now,the babies have the freshly opened eyes, very well formed eyelashes and eyebrows.
Main reasons of having preemie twins:
Twin babies that have low birth weight means weigh less than 5 pounds. It increases health problems in them. Problems like having jaundice, anemia, trouble in breathing, vision and hearing problems can be seen in premature twins.
So if you are having twins , follow your doctor's advice about diet, rest and exercise. In this case You should never miss your doctor’s appointments. You should keep learning about the signs of preterm labor. Do each and everything to lessen the number of premature babies.
Article source:- https://giftsfortwins.blogspot.com/2021/01/what-should-you-do-to-examine-twins-in.html
What do you mean by Multiple Gestation Pregnancy and its complications?
Can you imaging twins, triplets, and quadruplets in a single womb. Is it not amazing? For example, if you are going to give birth as triplets then your womb has 6 legs - 6 arms -3 heads, all in a fairly confined space. So a pregnancy with more than one baby at a time is known as Multiple gestation pregnancy. Simply a pregnancy with more than one fetus is known as multiple gestations. In the situation when more than one egg or fetus is released during the menstrual cycle and each is fertilized by a sperm, more than one embryo may implant and grow in your uterus.
What are the causes of multiple gestations?
Multiple gestations is not a science, it can happen randomly. If a woman ovulates more than an egg or fetus during a cycle, each egg has the potential to be fertilized by sperm.
If two sperm fertilize with two different eggs, a woman will become pregnant with non-identical twins. In some rare situations, a fertilized egg divides into two, identical twins are developed.
Does two gestational sacs mean twins?
A gestation sac is the large cavity of fluid surrounding the developing embryo. A gestation sac consists of the extraembryonic coelom, also known as the chorionic cavity. The gestational sac is normally carried within the uterus. It is the only available case that can be used to define if an intrauterine pregnancy endures until the embryo is identified.
A twin gestational sac is understood as vanishing twin syndrome. It helps to early scan reveals a twin pregnancy, but only one baby is seen at a later dating scan. After five weeks of pregnancy vanishing twin syndrome statistics scan can locate two gestational sacs and you can confirm twins in your womb.
What are the complications in multiple gestations?
Being pregnant more than a baby is exciting and is often a life-changing phase. However, multiple pregnancies have increased complications. The most common complication is the following -
Article source:- https://giftsfortwins.over-blog.com/2021/01/what-do-you-mean-by-multiple-gestation-pregnancy-and-its-complications.html
What safety measures are required during breastfeeding?
After giving birth to twins every mother prefers breastfeeding as it is very important for the health of your twin. A mother should get to know about before she is giving birth. If you have not any experience regarding this aspect you should take expert’s advice. There are consultants or breastfeeding specialists who can teach you about it. Also, you can take advice from other mothers because their advice can be very fruitful to you. Twin breastfeeding is not so easy for a first-time mother so better to be ready before giving birth to them. Now the first question that arises in a mother’s mind thinking about breastfeeding is, what technique will be the best for doing it.
You make sure that your partner helps you when you are breastfeeding. A mother should recognize the signs of babies when they are hungry. Like if they are poking their tongue out or turning their head, making some noises, or sucking their lips or hands. And if you find any difficulty in breastfeeding like you are unable to complete a sufficient milk supply to your babies, you should take advice from health experts for an alternative option.
It is very challenging for a mother to put both babies at the same time and do breastfeeding. To overcome this kind of problem you need something to support your babies. Normal pillows do not help you much in that case. So you should use a twin breastfeeding pillow for it. Twin breastfeeding pillows are available in different versions. You should have some quality measures in your mind while going to purchase it like the filling, strength, and material for the cover. When you are going to buy it also see that the filling and cover are free from pollutants. And the very essential thing to keep in mind when you are breastfeeding to twins is to see the baby’s lying position.
After becoming a mother there are many challenges to face. Making your twins sleep is one of them. It is suggested that parents should sleep with their twin in the same room to reduce the risk of bed death. Give a soft handed massage before going your twins sleeping together. It will increase the time period of sleeping with your babies.
Parents should think before shopping for twins. At first, they should make a checklist consisting of all mandatory items for their babies. This will help them to avoid extra shopping. They can buy ‘Two Safe Newborn Infant Car Seats’ for their twins that are designed especially for newborn babies.
‘Two Convertible Cribs’ can be very helpful for new parents. You can also arrange ‘One Portable Playard or Pack-n-Play’. It will be a place where you can make your babies sleep safely. It is a portable crib, parents should take it with them in any corner of the house like in the day time they can carry crib in the sitting room and at night they can bring it in their bedroom.
Remember all the necessary consideration to take care of your twins when you are giving them breastfeeding.
Article source:- https://giftsfortwins.mystrikingly.com/blog/what-safety-measures-are-required-during-breastfeeding
How can you make a twin baby shower special?
It’s already special, it’s a twin shower! Congratulations you are pregnant! After the confirmation of pregnancy, you go to your doctor’s office and get a first look at your baby.
Nothing is much as exciting and precious as that first ultrasound. But guess what? You're in for a surprise. You are going to have twins! As the gender is disclosed before the baby is born but the excitement you feel is contagious as you spread the news to your family that not only will there be an addition to the family, but, in fact, there will be two!
The baby showers that are given to you will be twice the fun too. Your friends and family will respond by giving the best gifts for twin babies and other supplies you will need. Whoever gives you the baby showers though will probably need some twin baby shower ideas. Relatives have the only task to choose baby shower gifts for twins. They only come to enjoy the party and give you blessings.
Planning a baby shower is always an adventure, but when you're planning for two there are a few extra things to keep in mind for creating a memorable, fun shower. You will get tips about invitations, a menu, decorations, and your centerpiece.
Ideas for Twin Baby Shower Invitations
Creating twin baby shower invitations is the most important thing you can do. Effective cautions can make your animated card more attractive. After all, it’s a twin. Also, you can include the details of the date, time, venue.
Your invitations should inform guests that the mother-to-be will be giving birth to twins. You may create your own, possibly with a picture of the soon to be parents. They have no difficulty choosing twin baby gift ideas. They can give many different gifts for your twins.
One Theme? Or Two?
As you have no idea it’s baby boys or baby girls. So this could be a complicated task to decide about the theme. It’s best to look for both themes. You can set the theme as you want a baby boy or girl both. Relatives may want twin girls and can give twin baby girl gifts.
The invitations should set the scene for what decorations you choose. You may opt to simply pick a few colors and use the traditional balloons, flowers, and streamers, or you may prefer to go with one of the many twins baby shower themes. A popular theme involves baby footprints, with four footprints stamped to tablecloths as decorations.
Centerpieces that can be taken home are always a guest favorite, so consider bouquets, filled with cookies, flowers, or lollipops as an option. Stuffed animals with balloons or a banner can be adorable theme-related centerpieces.
So enjoy this time of expected bliss. Believe me that you deserve every bit of this attention. Also, the expectation of being a mother is full of excitement and a bit of nerve mixed in. Hopefully, these ideas for the twin baby shower invitations will help you. Enjoy your baby shower and your upcoming twins.
Having a baby is such an exciting time. And also your life is gonna be fully changed. So make the best plans for the twins’ baby shower.
Article source:- https://giftsfortwins.blogspot.com/2020/12/how-can-you-make-twin-baby-shower.html
What are the best gifting ideas for twins in 2021
Are you aware of this cute fact that 125 million twin babies are all around the globe? Nevertheless, there are so many of them, twin babies are very unique, and twice the cuteness in general! But for new parents, they are a double dose of responsibility too. That's why it’s essential to choose gifts that actually give them a helping hand or congratulate them on their new journey. Here are some beautiful ideas for twin baby gifts:
Pretty Photo Frame with fairy lights: Photo frames are one of the gifting ideas that are a constant hit, one of the most practical twin baby items for gifting purposes because they can be used for ages and can collect beautiful memories. Go online and look for the gifting options that can express the uniqueness. Another thing you can pay attention to is utility, having two features in the same thing can be wonderful. Such as photo frames with LED lights that can work as a night lamp.
Twin breastfeeding pillow: This can be the best gift for those moms who breastfeed their newborns. She'll be equipped to feed her twins together, conveniently and most importantly without any involvement of hands. You can get these lifesavers in foam and inflatable varieties.
Twin Baby Carrier: Another must-have for twin baby gift sets, a twin baby carrier is undoubtedly important for active moms and dads of the twins. In this babies can ride comfortably and normally in different positions. They are undoubtedly one of the best ideas for the twins. It could be used in the later stages of their infancy.
Parenting and How-To Book: doesn’t one of the best gifting ideas? But it is. Young parents are normally very confused about parenting and little professional advice is obviously more than welcome. Imagine the condition of a parent who is dealing with two infants, giving them a book is the best thing you can do to make them comfortable in their new journey. For this you can see the best sellers online and for buying you can take an online or in-store method whatever you like is equally good.
Twins Memory Books or Keepers: Memory books are very essential for new parents. It's well defined to have a record of the baby's growth, remember significant first milestones, and the dates of vaccinations. Online you can find an excellent range of memory books for the cute double.
Sturdy Double Stroller: New parents are constantly seeking alternatives to remain active and engaged with babies. But it's tough trying to get time to stay active when you have a baby especially when you have two of them, well it would appear not possible on this earth. Henceforth, a double stroller is a gift that is a must-have. Parents can take both babies wherever they go. There are various options to pick from so look with a keen eye to find the best one. You might consider the options of the online shop or the store nearby to your house.
Other gifting options could be twin baby clothes or twin baby outfits, kids generally need more clothes than anybody else. By gifting clothes you can reduce some financial burden from the parents.
Article Source:- https://giftsfortwins.blogspot.com/2020/12/what-are-best-gifting-ideas-for-twins.html